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Writer's pictureAshley

Mindfulness Storytime for Young Families: Chakras/Colors & Emotions

Creating unique storytimes for your community can be complicated.

Add in mindfulness when you are not totally zenned out yourself can be a challenge. Luckily planning a mindfulness storytime is super easy, if you know where to look.

We began our Zen Storytime in 2017 with a Chakra theme. I know, I know, CHAKRAS? In a Library? Yeah, we went there.

For a quick intro into chakras I would recommend the Chopra Center. It's a bit new age but for reference sake, it's a good beginning so you know what you are teaching about.

Basically, chakras are energy wheels in your astral body (feeling light headed yet?). Each chakra is a different color and emits different types of energy.

The chakras are located "on the spine". Not physically but energetically.

While you won't be teaching children this in a public library you can teach them two things from this: colors and emotions.

The Chakra Storytime theme was based more off of colors, kids understand colors, and emotions. We did some affirmation work, some breathing, and a craft.

Here is what it looked like:

Introduction Song: Stop and Go by Kira Willey from Mindful Moments for Kids (Amazon) and works great for any storytime.

Using scarves for visuals. Ideally each child should have one of each color. If you do have one set of colors for each child, knot them together in the rainbow pattern. Say each color out loud and hold each color to where it belongs on the body (lap, below navel, above navel, heart center, throat, third eye and crown)

If you have a set like we do, have them blend the blue and purple together for the crown.

Usually I try and keep actual mindfulness books to a minimum. If you are a parent or guardian who is able to use spiritual books, I will list my favorites on a different post.

For a Chakra Storytime I would use:

What Makes a Rainbow

by Betty Ann Schwartz

Super cute visual that uses ribbon to create the rainbow. You can have your children emulate the rainbow (using the scarves) along with the ribbon as you read.

My Magic Breath

by Nick Ortner

This book is a short, simple book that can accompany any mindfulness storytime.

The book has you go through different emotions, inhaling and exhaling them.

In between these stories I would work on affirmations by using the scarves, colors, and emotions.

(red) Root Chakra repeat: "I am safe"

(orange) Sacral Chakra repeat: "I am loved"

(yellow) Solar Plexus repeat: " I am kind" (green) Heart center repeat: "I am joyful" (blue) Throat Chakra repeat: "I am gentle" (purple) Third Eye repeat: "I am seen" (blue and purple together) Crown Chakra repeat: "I am smart"

Incorporate color or emotion songs like, "If You're Happy and You Know It" to break up all the sitting. Not only will it break up the time but it will also help to have repetitive songs that everyone knows.

If you finish with a craft I would recommend printing an outline of a human body and cutting out different color circles so the children can then glue them onto the appropriate areas of the body. You can do the same for the affirmations listed above and have them match where they go.

As a reminder, if you are a Librarian in a public facility you have to remain neutral, yet offer different viewpoints to the community. If you are not 100% confident with the theme you wish to present, ask a community member who is right for the job.

If you are a parent/guardian, remember that, even if this does not fit in your family's mission, affirmations are a beautiful way to connect to your children. Take an dry erase marker and write affirmations or love notes on your child's bathroom mirror so they may repeat what is written.

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